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Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by chronic pain in muscles and joints that interferes with everyday activities owing to various forms of discomfort. Though the specific source of this “arthritis-like” sickness is unknown, it is recognized for its capacity to increase pain perception without generating physical damage or inflammation. In this detailed article, we’ll look at the many varieties of fibromyalgia, their symptoms, dangers, diagnosis, and physiotherapy in Gurgaon to aid individuals suffering from this challenging illness.
While pain is the most apparent symptom, additional symptoms include exhaustion, soreness during everyday activities, disorientation, decreased attention, tension, disrupted sleep patterns, muscular pain, joint pains, and headaches.
Diagnosis of fibromyalgia might be difficult; however, some factors can help. The American College of Rheumatology has set three criteria:
The main objective of therapy is to alleviate pain and restore normal physical function. More conservative treatment alternatives include:
It’s critical to remember that fibromyalgia doesn’t have a single cause of discomfort. To rule out other possible ailments, seeking medical treatment for a thorough diagnosis is critical. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, going to the doctor regularly, and sticking to a treatment plan can all help alleviate the symptoms of persistent fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia is a complex ailment that necessitates a varied management strategy. Individuals may take proactive actions toward reducing the burden of fibromyalgia on their everyday lives by learning its forms, symptoms, and dangers, as well as finding suitable treatment. Visit Gold Medal Physiotherapy to know more about the brief fibromyalgia physiotherapy treatment.
Hyperalgesia, broad muscular pain, TMJ discomfort, allodynia, neuropathic pain, migraines, and stomach pain are all possible symptoms.
A history of more than three months of constant pain, the Widespread Pain Index, and the SS scale score are all used to determine fibromyalgia severity.
A sensitive central nervous system, a hereditary susceptibility, worsening by stress and anxiety, and exacerbated symptoms with strenuous physical activity and severe working circumstances are all risks.
Medication, physiotherapy, TENS, ultrasound therapy, heat therapy, massage therapy, low-impact aerobic workouts, and cognitive behavioral therapy are examples of conservative therapies.
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