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Routine activities can become intolerable or at least uncomfortable if there is coccydynia or pain in the tailbone. At the spinal column’s base is a small, triangular bone called the coccyx that is vulnerable to bruising and even fracture. Walking eases pain, whereas sitting makes it worse. Utilizing natural remedies and changing bad habits, like spending too much time sitting down, will result in the biggest changes.
Pain in and around the tiny triangular bone at the base of your spinal column, above the cleft in your buttocks, is called coccydynia or “tailbone pain.”
The word “coccyx” is derived from the Greek word for “cuckoo” because it has a downward-pointing beak-like tip. Coccydynia is the medical term for pain in the coccyx, and “Gdynia” is the Greek word for pain. Because it is situated where an animal’s tail would be, the bone is called the “tailbone.”
Your coccyx comprises three to five fused vertebrae (bones). It is situated below the sacrum at the base of your spine. Numerous tendons, muscles, and ligaments affix to it. The two bones that make up the bottom of your pelvis—the coccyx and the ischial tuberosities—support your weight when you sit down. Two-thirds of adults have a slightly curved coccyx rather than one that points downward, but an excessively curved coccyx is abnormal and painful.
Who has yet to fall to their behind while tripping over? It is possible that the ice caused you to lose your balance. You might have dropped from a ladder. Or perhaps you sat too far back in your office chair and slipped and fell. If you fall hard, your tailbone (coccyx) may be fractured, dislocated, or left with bruising.
While engaging in activities like rowing and cycling, you must sway back and forth to stretch your spine. If that motion is performed too often, the tissues surrounding your coccyx may become strained.
A woman’s body produces hormones during the third trimester of pregnancy that soften the region between the sacrum and the coccyx. The coccyx can therefore move as needed during childbirth. While this is a typical process, the movement may unnecessarily stretch the muscles and ligaments surrounding the coccyx, increasing pain. The stress placed on these soft tissues prevents them from supporting your coccyx at the proper angle.
The added weight puts more pressure on the coccyx. The coccyx may consequently lean backward. It will hurt if your tailbone is out of alignment.
The coccyx may rub against the muscles, ligaments, and tendons if there is not enough fat in the buttocks to prevent this. The rubbing causes inflammation of the soft tissues.
Simply doing this can make coccyx pain worse, especially if you are sitting on something hard or restricted. Do your best to get up often, stretch, and take short walks. Use a padded seat, or find a softer, more comfortable place to sit.
Pain in the tailbone is a rare indication of cancer. It is extremely unlikely.
The following are examples of coccydynia symptoms:
The following are additional coccydynia-related symptoms and signs:
The coccyx, also called the “tailbone,” is the last segment of the vertebral column. Coccydynia is an uncomfortable condition that appears in/around the coccyx. This type of pain frequently starts when someone sits down suddenly or gets up from their seat after a while seated.
This condition, also known as coccygodynia, can make life less enjoyable for a person. In addition to the buttocks, lumbar spine, and thighs, the pain, frequently described as “stabbing” or “piercing,” can also occasionally radiate to those areas.
The coccyx is the final section of the vertebral column. By fusion, the vertebral units are joined. At the front of the coccyx, the muscles and ligaments that regulate the pelvic floor’s movements come together. The coccyx also serves as a support for the anus.
The main goal of physiotherapy treatment is postural education. When sitting correctly, the thighs and ischial tuberosities bear the weight rather than the coccyx. Physiotherapists may also suggest using cushions. Coccygeal cushions, modified wedge-shaped cushions, help to lessen the pressure that sitting has on the coccyx. Other types of treatment consist of:
It might help to correct the posture of the coccyx. Mobilization techniques may be the most effective when increasing coccygeal mobility is the treatment objective.
Patients may benefit from having their coccyx manually adjusted. The coccyx-sacrum joint can be manually adjusted to help relieve pain brought on by coccyx mobility restrictions.
Coccydynia can be treated or lessened by massaging the tight pelvic floor muscles attached to the coccyx. The ligaments and sacrococcygeal joint can become more stressed due to tense muscles in this region, which can also pull on the coccyx and limit mobility.
By electrically stimulating the skin, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator (TENS) devices shield the brain from receiving pain signals from the coccyx. These devices might be a good choice for patients who want to take the fewest medications possible.
For conditions like pelvic pain, incontinence, coccyx pain (tailbone), and other diagnoses, it is surprisingly comfortable and highly effective. It evaluates the mobility and position of the sacrococcygeal joint as well as helps to lessen muscle spasms.
Reduce your likelihood of developing tailbone pain by:
Gold Medal Physiotherapy is best if you are searching for the best Coccydinia or Tailbone therapy. For more details about our doctors, you should visit the Gold Medal Physiotherapy website.
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